We provide free shipping on all orders. We ship most items within 3-5 working days of your order date. We ship all lighting from our FL and CA warehouse either by UPS or FedEx, and transit times are generally 3 to 5 working days. Preorders can take as long as three weeks, generally less, before they are in stock and ready to ship.
* Please submit the return form here with the necessary info. After it’s submitted, we’ll deal with your request within 24 hours on business days.
* Wrap the package carefully. Use the original packaging if possible.
* It is important for us to know about the return status. Please include the tracking number in the email. We need this in case there are any issues during the transition. As soon as we receive the return from you and all checked good, we will process the return which will take 2-3 business days. The label(from us) fee will be deducted from your refund.